Wednesday, August 1, 2012

7. Chick-Fil-A

I was born in the south, raised in the south, and live in the south. And because of this there is one thing that all of us southerners love... Chick-Fil-A. As this song from Tim Hawkins will show.
But now, for some unfathomable reason people are really upset that the head of Chick-Fil-A Dan Cathy said that he supports the Biblical view of marriage. This is something he said before and something that should have been assumed that he believed anyhow, based on his obvious Christian stands.

People are now boycotting Chick-Fil-A because, all of a sudden, they realize that their viewpoints on homosexuality outweighs the deliciousness of an original chicken sandwich and waffle fries. They have just as much right to do this as Dan Cathy has to express his views on marriage, so I am not upset by this at all.

I do want to offer some advice to the boycotters from a guy who been a Southern Baptist for almost 20 years... they don't work. When I first got saved we were at the beginning of a Southern Baptist boycott of Disney. This came as a result of Disney organizers planning "Gay Day" as it were on the same night as "Night of Joy." This was a misguided boycott and one that just kind of puttered out.

So let me be the guy to bring the two sides together. Here are a list of things we should all boycott.

1. Axe Body Spray. It smells awful, and due to the commercials showing that girls gravitate toward it, middle school boys bathe in it. BOYCOTT

2. Burger King Bacon Sundae. I love bacon and I love sundaes, but this does not work. I am convinced that if we all eat this breakfast dessert that we will create a rip in the space/time continuum and everything will be out of whack. Not to mention the salty-sweet lab experiment gone wrong clocks in at 510 calories, 18 grams of fat and 61 grams of sugar. BOYCOTT

3. Accepting Friend Requests from your elderly family members on Facebook. Some get it, they really do. However, a lot of them just don't understand. They like every status, even if it says, "I had a bad day." They constantly remind you of things in your childhood when you are trying to be cool. And they keep a tally of inappropriate things they saw and you get in trouble at Thanksgiving... even though you are 30. BOYCOTT

4. Guys in Tank Tops. There are occasions when tank tops might be appropriate: on your way to the beach, at a water park, playing sports outside. Then there are times when it is not appropriate: A fancy restaurant, public transportation, and weddings. I say, that since the men of this country can't figure this out, we just do a complete boycott of male tank tops. BOYCOTT

5. Boycotting places. It doesn't work and it creates a greater divide between two sides. Let's all get together and have genuine conversation of the differing viewpoints. Honest dialogue won't change anyone's opinions, but it will help us see the other side not as an issue or as a stand, but as real people... real people that Jesus loves. BOYCOTT BOYCOTTS

What else can you think of that the two sides can boycott together?

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