Monday, August 27, 2012

11. Youth Group Pranks Vol. 2

Well I seemed to have caused quite a stir last week on 's Facebook page. We were 14 comments strong, and just like Facebook arguments have the tendency to do, the argument go escalated and sensationalized. To the point where not reprimanding a kid who broke a salt shaker indirectly became "exactly why teens in youth are not staying in church".

I made a blog post trying to brighten someone's day and it became an argument. I believe that is more likely "exactly why teens in youth are not staying in church" than pranks.

So in an effort to try and brighten someone's day again, here is one of the best prank stories I know. I was speaking at a retreat in upstate New York. These kids were from Long Island and were hardcore New Yorkers. The youth pastor was one of my best friends growing up, (By the way, we played pranks in our youth group and we are both in full-time ministry now, so maybe that's not exactly why teens in youth are not staying in church) and so we roomed together.

Anyhow, one of the kids came to me and asked me to be in on a prank with them. I said yes, intending the entire time to double-cross him... because YPs have to stick together. The plan was that I was to unlock the window and let them know when their YP (Greg) got in bed, and they would open the window and throw snowballs at him.

So I told Greg and we decided that he should wait outside in the bushes with his own snowballs and when they opened the window that Greg could pelt them in the back of the head with his own snowy creations. So this is exactly what happened, except that Greg never went through with it. They threw snowballs at an empty bed and then I got hit by a few for the obvious double-cross, but nobody (including me) knew where Greg went.

Turns out that he slipped, fell down, and dropped all of his snowballs when trying to make his move. So he improvised. He climbed in the open windows of the rooms the kids came out of, locked their doors, and took all of their pillows, blankets, and suitcases and threw them out in the snow. This was straight coldblooded, but awesome.

By the way, three kids got saved and God was glorified during this retreat.

Do you have any awesome prank stories?

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