Thursday, August 30, 2012

13. Scare Tactics

My blogging hero, Jon Acuff wrote a great post today about scaring people to Jesus.

Since I have made it a regular habit to steal things from him, I will do the same with this post.

He talked about a children's program that had a service where it looked like a guy was getting sawed in half with a chainsaw and "God" was metaphorically removing all the junk from this person. (TV, radio, etc.)

How does anybody think that this might be a good idea? This must be one of those churches where there are no staff meetings or this dude was trying to get fired. My guess is he already had his resume loaded at Although he probably didn't reference his Nightmare on Elm Street approach to evangelism on it.

Children are so impressionable and I think we do a number of wrong things that give them a skewed Christology.

Take Zacchaeus for example. We teach little children this song about him being a wee little man, and a wee little man was he. Children love this song, because they love singing and they love saying "wee." But when we get to the part where Jesus sees Zacchaeus we teach them a hand motion that has Jesus wagging his finger at the vertically challenged man and telling him, "You come down..."

Where do we get this idea that Jesus was a "finger wagging Jesus?" I don't believe He wagged His finger at all, because if He did then Luke 19:6 would be different. It says, referring to Zacchaeus, "6 So he quickly came down and welcomed Him joyfully."
Let me tell you something, if somebody wagged their finger at me and embarrassed me in front of all of those people after I put myself out there by climbing a Sycamore, I might come down and I might even come down quickly. But I am not welcoming Him "joyfully." That is for sure.

When we teach that to children, we should put a big smile on our face and welcome Zacchaeus down with open arms. Then we should show them the chainsaw thing just for fun... just kidding.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

12. Blogs about the 80%

There is an obvious divide in youth circles that separate the old school from the new school. This doesn't even necessarily have anything to do with age. In fact, age really isn't a determining factor.

When I talk about old school vs. new school I am talking about the optimist versus the pessimist. I am definitely a youth group optimist. I believe that this is a generation of change, a generation that will make a definitive impact on the world and on the landscape of Christianity.

But maybe I am an optimist because I have only seen successful youth programs. The youth group I came through and got saved in now has well over 10 people in full-time Christian ministry and in keeping up with the old crew on Facebook we have about 80% who have STAYED strong in their faith.

The same is true of my current church. The foundation was set with a strong leadership program and a serviceable college program and we as well have about an 80% success rate. So when I hear other guys bashing youth groups and youth pastors, especially a fellow one, I am baffled.

This is what happened when I ran across a blog post from a guy named Andy Gill at where their slogan is "Everyday Youth Pastors being Everyday Extraordinary."

Here is the link .

This man apparently has had different experiences than I have, because even the title is hostile and inappropriate. My youth pastor didn't fail me, and I am not failing my kids. And I know of a multitude of imperfect men being empty vessels for the Lord as youth pastors who are also not failing. But I guess he is old school.

Here are some of the statements he made that are why "we are failing."

When the deepest books we read as youth pastors are “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan or “Sex God” by Rob Bell (which are written at 4th grade reading levels)

I have never read anywhere in the Bible where Jesus told His disciples that they had to have a reading level above 4th grade in order to follow Him. I believe whole-heartedly that "Leaders are readers" but this has nothing to do with our college freshman leaving the church.

Side note: My book "Can I get Baptized in Fruit Punch" was written at a 5th grade level, so you should be okay.

When the top blog hits are “5 Epic Youth Group Games”

This is so misguided because there is no way to know if a youth pastor was the reader of the blog. I have never been a game guy, but when we have a game, one of my volunteers or one of my students pick it out and they run it.

On a separate note, so what?

When we purchase our sermons off line instead of digging into the word ourselves and soaking in scripture and allowing God to speak through that.

This one is highly offensive. As the owner/operator of this is bad for business. :)

On a serious note, I have been running youth sermon sites for more than 5 years and here is my customer make-up.

1. Bi-vocational youth pastors: Some states have up to 50% of their pastors as bi-vocational. Try to find time to work a 40 hour a week job, be a father and husband, and a good youth pastor, and write quality sermons every week. Our company unapologetically assists these people.

2. Good shepherds: Some guys are great youth pastors because they know how to minister to their group, but they can't write a sermon to save their life. That is where we come in.

There is nothing wrong with getting inspiration from someone else's sermons. It is equivalent to reading a commentary on the text.

When 50% of youth group consists of “chubby bunny” and youtube videos

I am a double failure for this one. When we play "chubby bunny" we put it directly on youtube.

What do you think of Mr. Gill's assessments?

Monday, August 27, 2012

11. Youth Group Pranks Vol. 2

Well I seemed to have caused quite a stir last week on 's Facebook page. We were 14 comments strong, and just like Facebook arguments have the tendency to do, the argument go escalated and sensationalized. To the point where not reprimanding a kid who broke a salt shaker indirectly became "exactly why teens in youth are not staying in church".

I made a blog post trying to brighten someone's day and it became an argument. I believe that is more likely "exactly why teens in youth are not staying in church" than pranks.

So in an effort to try and brighten someone's day again, here is one of the best prank stories I know. I was speaking at a retreat in upstate New York. These kids were from Long Island and were hardcore New Yorkers. The youth pastor was one of my best friends growing up, (By the way, we played pranks in our youth group and we are both in full-time ministry now, so maybe that's not exactly why teens in youth are not staying in church) and so we roomed together.

Anyhow, one of the kids came to me and asked me to be in on a prank with them. I said yes, intending the entire time to double-cross him... because YPs have to stick together. The plan was that I was to unlock the window and let them know when their YP (Greg) got in bed, and they would open the window and throw snowballs at him.

So I told Greg and we decided that he should wait outside in the bushes with his own snowballs and when they opened the window that Greg could pelt them in the back of the head with his own snowy creations. So this is exactly what happened, except that Greg never went through with it. They threw snowballs at an empty bed and then I got hit by a few for the obvious double-cross, but nobody (including me) knew where Greg went.

Turns out that he slipped, fell down, and dropped all of his snowballs when trying to make his move. So he improvised. He climbed in the open windows of the rooms the kids came out of, locked their doors, and took all of their pillows, blankets, and suitcases and threw them out in the snow. This was straight coldblooded, but awesome.

By the way, three kids got saved and God was glorified during this retreat.

Do you have any awesome prank stories?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

10. Youth Group Pranks

Alright, so here is the scenario... I am hanging out with some kids from church at a local fast food chain. Am I still responsible for the actions and behaviors of these students even though we are not at a church function? Am I ever responsible for the actions and behaviors of these students?

Let me expound a little bit more. Somebody at our large table (some of these kids didn't even go to church, btw) played the quarter under the salt shaker prank. Youth veterans know this one. You spin a quarter and pound the salt shaker down on it, breaking the shaker and leaving the next person to pick up the shaker covered in salt. They get a"salt"ed.

The problem is that the next person to pick it up worked there and was related to someone key in our church. I then had to listen to a 10 minute speech on representing the church well. (As though, I hadn't preached that sermon before.)

So the question of the day is: How can I hang out with kids outside of church and build a trusted relationship with them if I am also expected to act as there parent at such a time?

Here is how different YPs would handle it:

Just out of college YP would go to the counter and get change for a twenty (all in quarters) so that they could do it to every salt shaker.

Over spiritual YP would use it as a teaching opportunity to tell them that we are to be the salt of the world and the quarter represents Satan trying to steal, kill, and destroy us.

Pentecostal YP would stand up and sing a song about repentance and a Holy Ghost revival would break out in that place.

Wishes he was a Head Pastor YP would shake his head and pull up on his phone and by the premium package.

These are all just jokes of course, we ARE the salt of the earth.

Where do you stand on this topic?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

9. Playing the numbers game.

Typical youth pastor conversation.

YP1: So where are you a youth pastor at?
YP2: Jo Mamma Community Church.
YP1: Cool... So whatcha runnin'?

Typical youth pastor conversation #2.

Random Person: So what do you do for a living?
YP: I'm a Youth Pastor.
RP: Oh cool... So how big's your youth group?

Thus is the life of a typical youth pastor. There is no place to go to escape the numbers game. But there are so many problems with it.

1. The amount of students you have has no reflection on the health of the youth group.
2. It makes some youth pastors feel wrongly inferior and some to feel wrongly superior.
3. Every youth pastor lies when answering this question.

Let me make some honest proclamations here. I normally answer the toxic question with a snide remark, "3,000" or "Just me." But when I do answer I say, "I have had as many as 104." You see, this helps me to look good without lying or being misleading.

So where did this start? Blame Senior Pastors. (Why not?) Most churches look at youth groups with a bottom line mentality. The senior pastor only knows 2 things, 1. The amount of students on your attendance report and 2. Do your kids behave on Sunday mornings? This creates an atmosphere where you do whatever you can to bring a boatload of kids to your Wednesday night service, but you don't work as hard to bring the non-churched kids to Sunday morning worship. Thus creating a system where fun and games become the most important thing on Wednesday nights and the bridge never gets built to the general church population, and when your students graduate from high school they leave because they have made no connections outside of the fun and games number generator.

Do you see why the numbers game is so poisonous?

Here is what you do.

1. Have a legitimate conversation with your senior pastor about this topic and his expectations. This doesn't let you off the hook with trying to reach students, it's just the methods and the pressure you are under that are in question.

2. If someone asks you how many youth you have, judge their intentions. If they are trying to play the numbers game with you, don't take the bait. A family isn't healthy because they have a lot of people in it, they are healthy because they love each other.

3. Pray earnestly and ask God this question, "Are my methods producing fully functioning Christian adults or just people for a head count to make me look good." And then pray for a plan.

The numbers game is deadly and it is more dangerous than water polo... don't play it.

Check out my sermons at and my book at

Monday, August 6, 2012

8. Lock-Ins

I have been at my current church for less than a year now. A few months ago I responded to several requests for a lock-in with an affirmative response. I was trying to gain some cool points with the teenagers and I thought it would be a way to move the relationship building part of the job into warp speed.

I made this statement to them, "I will do a lock-in once, if you invite friends and people show up then we might do it again." They rose to that challenge and my sleep cycle has never been the same since. We planned for 40 students (this is where you compare your youth group in size to mine... blog post on that topic tomorrow) and in the mass chaos of the events that transpired we were only able to count heads and ended up with 98 people. We had to re-plan everything in 5 minutes.

So this past weekend was my second endeavor into the world of overnight torture and we borrowed a second bus, giving us room for 80 students. But to be honest with you, I thought we would regress back to 50 or so. This past weekend we had 104 students and so we still had to re-plan everything in five minutes. But the gospel was presented, lives were changed, and some students that have never stepped foot in a church before showed up and put 13 hours in at one.

Here are some observations from our lock-in:

1. When you are dealing with unchurched kids, don't leave your cell phone lying around. One of our adults made this mistake and it took us 9 hours before we got any intell on who the culprit was. Turns out it was a kid who left "sick" at 3 in the morning. He was real sick when we showed up at his house to retrieve the missing Droid, waking up his mom in the process.

2. People will always complain about the state the church was left in after the fact... always. We have a giant sanctuary building with a lot of surrounding rooms and our college students led the biggest game of Underground Church in the history of Middle Georgia. I was very nervous about what could be broken and what ramifications this game could have on my job security and overall reputation in my church. At 4 in the morning, the game fizzled out and my team worked very hard to get the church back as we found it. (Including cleaning up after someone who thought you were supposed to pee next to the toilet) And yet the next day there were rumblings that people were upset because a tablecloth was moved and a bracelet with a skull on it was found on the floor... people will always complain.

3. McDonald's is an awkward place. We had selected four fast food restaurants that the kids could sign up for on a first come, first serve basis. So the kids who are regulars knew this and all signed up to go to the popular places, leaving me and half a bus full of strangers to eat at McDonald's. This is cool because I had the chance to get to know students I had never met before. This is uncool because I had no idea what to talk about. Once the first french fry went in the air and the "Respect the youth pastor" death stare didn't work, I knew it was time to get out of there. We should have went to Chick-Fil-A. Taking that group to the Kiss-In should have been a lot of fun. :)

Do you have any lock-in stories?

Check out some sermons at and check out a great book at

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

7. Chick-Fil-A

I was born in the south, raised in the south, and live in the south. And because of this there is one thing that all of us southerners love... Chick-Fil-A. As this song from Tim Hawkins will show.
But now, for some unfathomable reason people are really upset that the head of Chick-Fil-A Dan Cathy said that he supports the Biblical view of marriage. This is something he said before and something that should have been assumed that he believed anyhow, based on his obvious Christian stands.

People are now boycotting Chick-Fil-A because, all of a sudden, they realize that their viewpoints on homosexuality outweighs the deliciousness of an original chicken sandwich and waffle fries. They have just as much right to do this as Dan Cathy has to express his views on marriage, so I am not upset by this at all.

I do want to offer some advice to the boycotters from a guy who been a Southern Baptist for almost 20 years... they don't work. When I first got saved we were at the beginning of a Southern Baptist boycott of Disney. This came as a result of Disney organizers planning "Gay Day" as it were on the same night as "Night of Joy." This was a misguided boycott and one that just kind of puttered out.

So let me be the guy to bring the two sides together. Here are a list of things we should all boycott.

1. Axe Body Spray. It smells awful, and due to the commercials showing that girls gravitate toward it, middle school boys bathe in it. BOYCOTT

2. Burger King Bacon Sundae. I love bacon and I love sundaes, but this does not work. I am convinced that if we all eat this breakfast dessert that we will create a rip in the space/time continuum and everything will be out of whack. Not to mention the salty-sweet lab experiment gone wrong clocks in at 510 calories, 18 grams of fat and 61 grams of sugar. BOYCOTT

3. Accepting Friend Requests from your elderly family members on Facebook. Some get it, they really do. However, a lot of them just don't understand. They like every status, even if it says, "I had a bad day." They constantly remind you of things in your childhood when you are trying to be cool. And they keep a tally of inappropriate things they saw and you get in trouble at Thanksgiving... even though you are 30. BOYCOTT

4. Guys in Tank Tops. There are occasions when tank tops might be appropriate: on your way to the beach, at a water park, playing sports outside. Then there are times when it is not appropriate: A fancy restaurant, public transportation, and weddings. I say, that since the men of this country can't figure this out, we just do a complete boycott of male tank tops. BOYCOTT

5. Boycotting places. It doesn't work and it creates a greater divide between two sides. Let's all get together and have genuine conversation of the differing viewpoints. Honest dialogue won't change anyone's opinions, but it will help us see the other side not as an issue or as a stand, but as real people... real people that Jesus loves. BOYCOTT BOYCOTTS

What else can you think of that the two sides can boycott together?

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