Thursday, August 23, 2012

10. Youth Group Pranks

Alright, so here is the scenario... I am hanging out with some kids from church at a local fast food chain. Am I still responsible for the actions and behaviors of these students even though we are not at a church function? Am I ever responsible for the actions and behaviors of these students?

Let me expound a little bit more. Somebody at our large table (some of these kids didn't even go to church, btw) played the quarter under the salt shaker prank. Youth veterans know this one. You spin a quarter and pound the salt shaker down on it, breaking the shaker and leaving the next person to pick up the shaker covered in salt. They get a"salt"ed.

The problem is that the next person to pick it up worked there and was related to someone key in our church. I then had to listen to a 10 minute speech on representing the church well. (As though, I hadn't preached that sermon before.)

So the question of the day is: How can I hang out with kids outside of church and build a trusted relationship with them if I am also expected to act as there parent at such a time?

Here is how different YPs would handle it:

Just out of college YP would go to the counter and get change for a twenty (all in quarters) so that they could do it to every salt shaker.

Over spiritual YP would use it as a teaching opportunity to tell them that we are to be the salt of the world and the quarter represents Satan trying to steal, kill, and destroy us.

Pentecostal YP would stand up and sing a song about repentance and a Holy Ghost revival would break out in that place.

Wishes he was a Head Pastor YP would shake his head and pull up on his phone and by the premium package.

These are all just jokes of course, we ARE the salt of the earth.

Where do you stand on this topic?

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Needed some good youth ministry humor today.
