Thursday, October 25, 2012

Election Talk

It doesn't matter if you are a Mitt Romney supporter or a Barrack Obama supporter, a republican or a democrat, a debate watcher or a debate sleeper, one thing remains... the election is everywhere.

Every person over 40 is posting something about the election on their Facebook timeline and every person under 20 is posting something on their Twitter page making fun of the over 40 crowd on Facebook.

So why not take this election and turn it into a teaching moment for your youth group. I have developed a sermon (with 2 more coming) called Just the Issues. It doesn't deal with any candidates, controversial debate topics or even any jokes about battleships or binders full of women. It merely takes this election season and asks the simple question...

What if Jesus ran for office?

It uses the I AM statements of Christ as a platform for Him to run on. Check it out and use the hot issue of the day to teach about the person of Jesus Christ.

And the best part about it is... it is absolutely free! Click on the sermon graphic below to download it from