Thursday, July 26, 2012

4. Super Hero Volunteers

Summer time for me is super hero time. I look forward to watching all of the super hero movies, and besides and awful verion of the Incredible Hulk made in 2003 I tend to like all super hero movies. But now I have a 3-year old who is just as obssessed with super heroes as I am. But as we all know, it doesn't take a cape or getting bit by a spider to be a super hero.

We are surrounded by super heroes in our ministry, we just may not have realized it. Here are a few that I have in my ministry: 

1. The Green Driver. This is a man who can drive a bus anywhere I plan a trip. He also has an unbelievable ability to stay awake when everyone is sleeping and also can stay focused when the minions are being evil.

2. The Organizer. Most youth pastors are visionaries and we can come up with some great ideas. But the Robin to our Batman is the person we can tell the idea to and watch as the superhuman wheels in their brain starts spinning. Somehow there always seems to be enough napkins and extra snacks in the back, just in case.

3. Registration Lady. When the world is in need of registering there is one lady who can save the day... registration lady! She can hold 16 conversations at one time, tell parents when to come back, collect money, put on wristbands, and she does it all with a great first-impression smile.

4. Crazy Middle School Guy. This is the guy who always has a game up his sleeve. He can wrestle 14 6th graders in his super hero clutch. He knows how to be stern enough to keep their respect, fun enough to keep their attention, and he lost all sense of smell in a chemical accident leaving him with the super human ability to sleep in the same room as those smelly, smelly villains.

5. Super Wife. And the greatest super hero of all is the youth pastor's wife. She can lead small groups, host sleepovers, organize luncheons all while juggling being a wife and a mother. She knows that being in ministry is a great privilege, "And with great privilege comes great resposibilty." She is the glue that holds the youth ministry (and the youth minister) together.

What other super heroes do you have in your ministry?

 Check out for some great youth sermons and for a great book.

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