Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2. Staying engaged at staff meetings.

Staff meetings are a necessary part of every healthy church. But most youth pastors have a hard time staying engaged in them when they take too long. One reason is that we tend to have short attention spans and high energy levels. And second is because only a small part of the whole meeting has to do with our area of ministry, and let's be honest things are a lot more fun when they are about us.

 So how can you stay engaged in a staff meeting when it runs longer than you can handle.

 1. Have a running inner-monologue of jokes based on everything that is said. This will keep you smiling and your Head Pastor will think that you are such a positive person. Caution: Don't get your inner monolgue and outer monologue confused, youth pastors have been fired for that.

 2. Act like you are taking judicious notes, when in fact you are writing down ideas for a blog post entitled, "How to stay engaged during a staff meeting"

 3. Picture everyone in the meeting in their underwear. Wait a minute, that is bad advice.

 4. Take a 5 Hour Energy before it starts. Leave the empty bottle on the table as a hint to everyone that you only have so long before you crash.

 5. Do what my intern did today. Doodle pictures based on church campaigns that are being discussed. This one is based on a campaign we are running called #ANewTomorrow

 6. And finally, you could always search for awesome sermon ideas on www.youth-sermons.com or buy a new book at www.baptizedinfruitpunch.com

How else can you stay engaged during long staff meetings?

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